Reorder Furniture

During this procedure, you’ll learn to transfer products within a requisition:

  1. Navigate to (and login)

  2. Select “My Products” from the navigation bar at the top.

  3. Choose each product you intend to transfer.

  4. Press the Reseat button.

  5. Hit the “Reorder” button. Continue repeating steps 3 and 5 until all desired products are included in your requisition.

  6. Finally, click on “View Requisition” to review your selections.

Once your requisition is set up, it’s time to add the necessary details for REORDER:

  1. Choose the furniture dealer vendor you prefer for this reorder.

  2. Scroll down to view the products.

  3. Enter the desired quantity for each product you wish to reorder.

  4. Select “Save and Submit” to preserve your entries.

  5. When you’re prepared to reorder, choose “Approve Requisition” to submit it for Reseat’s review

Last updated