Add furniture to your customer's inventory

As a furniture dealer on the Reseat platform, you have the ability to approve and publish products for your customers.

To get started select the "Customers" tab at the top of your panel within the enterprise platform.

Next search and find the customer you are looking for and select the more icon at the far right under "Actions" then select "Add Products"

After selecting "Add Products" you will need to provide the location you are adding products to. In addition, you can provide a CSV sheet (the template can be downloaded on this same page) that will allow you to bulk upload information about your products.

When you are ready click "Submit".

After selecting your location, you can manage, add, or remove the products that you are interested in adding to the customer's account. Simple click on any field to apply the photo, name, part number, description or more.

When you are ready to move to the next step press "Submit" at the bottom right of your screen.

It is important to note that the following fields are required for your products to display correctly:

Name -> Your product name

Manufacturer -> The manufacturer of the product

Qty -> How many you have, if you apply floor, room, or area, you will need to apply the correct amount and replicate the information for each room, floor, or area.

PartNumber -> If you don't know the part number of your product we recommend comming up with a unique system for your company such as AAA-AAA-232 or dealername-productname-padding number

Sell Price -> this should be your list price as a dealer. This is required so we can help generate the carbon number.

Category1 -> The category that this product would show up for in searching.

Photo -> This is not required but highly recommended before showing to your customers. In addition, this becomes a requirement if you are selling on the marketplace, all products are required to have a photo when listed for sell.

Last, to submit your product to your customers account please review your requisition one last time and press the "Confirm and Publish" button.

Once publish, the product will be added in real-time to your selected customer's account. It may take a few mins depending on the qty of products as each product will receive a Reseat ID and will calculate a carbon number.

Last updated